Joe Olzachi stepping down as President of NERFU
Recently Joe Olzacki announced that he will not seek reelection as President of NERFU. We caught up with Joe and asked him how he arrived at his decision. Below is his statement.
My decision not to stand for re-election was simple. When I was elected, I promised to address the following issues:
1. Separation from the NRU and stopping the annual payments to the NRU.
2. Having NERFU become its own governing body.
3. Revamp the website to make it more user friendly.
4. Digitize and update the NERFU logo
5. Have NERFU move toward a 5013c status.
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As of the last NERFU board meeting, everything had been accomplished or is very close to becoming accomplished.
Since taking the position of NERFU president, to do the job correctly, is a 24/7 365 day a year job. I made it a point to always answer the phone – and every email, and provide answers to any question posed to me. I made sure I was always available. Again to do the job correctly and in a manner of a public servant, you must be reachable even when others do not respond. I even had calls and attended meetings by cell while traveling and lecturing in Rwanda. I took the position very seriously as I saw it was both an honor and a responsibility. I began to realize that i was becoming exhausted. When Tom McCann decided for similar reasons to step down and NERFU would lose a brilliant advisor and financial director, I knew the work load would double- something I had to reflect on.
So, with my work writing, traveling in Africa lecturing and teaching and working to write human rights curricula for the Rwandan government, I just felt that it was time.
After speaking with Danita Knox, chair of the USA Rugby GU /TU restructuring committee, it was decided that I needed to finish my work with them – especially with my administrative background and experience with the GU make up. My leaving would have left a hole. Also, I am also on the National Rugby Foundation- a group set up to “support” US Rugby. During the last congress meeting in New Orleans, I notified Nigel Melville and Julia McCoy- congress representative on the USAR BOD last month of my decision.
How was my tenure? Change never comes easy but we have paved the way for NERFU to be stronger. In a position like president, you have to stay above personal squabbles and keep your eye on the prize. I always kept in mind that I represented men and women who just wanted to play rugby. No power trip – just a sincere desire to serve. I was and still am proud to say, I kept every promise I made. We were successful.
Treasurer Tom McCann, former NERFU Secretary Ken Daly and Frank Caruso of UMASS were amazingly supportive and of that I am grateful.